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Marriage should be based on love, right? But does it seem as though you andyour spouse are speaking two different languages? New York Times bestsellingauthor Dr. Gary Chapman guides couples in identifying, understanding, andspeaking their spouse’s primary love language—quality time, words ofaffirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch.
By learning the five love languages, youand your spouse will discover your unique love languages and learn practicalsteps in truly loving each other. Chapters are categorized by love language foreasy reference, and each one ends with specific, simple steps to express aspecific language to your spouse and guide your marriage in the rightdirection. A newly designed love languages assessment will help you understandand strengthen your relationship. You can build a lasting, loving marriagetogether.
Gary Chapman hosts a nationally syndicateddaily radio program called A Love Language Minute that can be heard on morethan 150 radio stations as well as the weekly syndicated program BuildingRelationships with Gary Chapman, which can both be heard on
The Five Love Languages is a consistent newYork Times bestseller - with over 5 million copies sold and translated into 38languages.? This book is a salesphenomenon, with each year outselling the prior for 16 years running!
Includes a promotional code to gainexclusive online access to the new comprehensive love languages assessment.
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Northfield Publishing; NewEdition edition (December 17, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0802473156
ISBN-13: 978-0802473158
Product Dimensions: 0.4 x 5.9 x 8.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.5 ounces
MoreAbout the Author
Married more than 45 years to Karolyn, Dr.Gary Chapman is just the man to turn to for help on improving or healing ourmost important relationships. His own life experiences, plus over thirty-fiveyears of pastoring and marriage counseling, led him to publish his first bookin the Love Language series, The Five Love Languages: How to Express HeartfeltCommitment to Your Mate. Millions of readers credit this continual New YorkTimes bestseller with saving their marriages by showing them simple andpractical ways to communicate their love to their partner.
Since the success of his first book, Dr.Chapman has expanded his Five Love Languages series to specifically reach outto teens, singles, men, and children (co-authored with Dr. Ross Campbell).
He is the author of numerous other bookspublished by Moody Publishers/Northfield Publishing, including The World'sEasiest Guide to Family Relationships, Anger, The Family You've Always Wanted,The Marriage You've Always Wanted, Desperate Marriages, God Speaks Your LoveLanguage (Jan 09), Parenting Your Adult Child, and Hope for the Separated. Heco-authored The Five Languages of Apology with Dr. Jennifer Thomas.
Chapman speaks to thousands of couplesnationwide through his weekend marriage conferences. He hosts a nationallysyndicated radio program, Love Language Minute, and a Saturday morning program,Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman, that air on more than 100stations. Dr. Chapman also serves as senior associate pastor at Calvary BaptistChurch in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Dr. Chapman holds BA and MA degrees inanthropology from Wheaton College and Wake Forest University, respectively, MREand PhD degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and hascompleted postgraduate work at the University of North Carolina and DukeUniversity.
Dr. Chapman and his wife have two adultchildren and two grandchildren, and currently live in Winston-Salem, NorthCarolina.


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